


Unlike news sites or email blasts, our printed publications are only available for whom they are intended — a win for residents and the local businesses who wish to reach them. It’s true that many traditional media outlets are downsizing, but niche, very specialized printing is on the rise because we offer advertisers two things the others can’t: quality and targeted reach. Not to mention residents want to read about people and happenings right around them. They care about the people and events in their neighborhood and want to know about them, so they read our publications and hold onto them. That’s what really matters.

Nearly all our content in the publication comes directly from our readers. It’s user-generated, just like Facebook. The residents make the publications come alive each month submitting their pictures and stories. And that’s what our partners like about what we do; that the residents are invested, so they know it’s getting read and they’re getting seen. If a business is trying to reach and stay visible with affluent homeowners, then that is where we really become a good fit.

What we do is not a great fit for everyone, and that’s okay. We are designed for businesses that look at the high-end neighborhoods we serve and see their best potential clients in that neighborhood. They know and understand how being consistently present and being seen by their TARGET audience creates influence and opportunity, which in turn increases word of mouth and referrals.

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